30 Mart 2015 Pazartesi

İtalya'da 9 Aylık AGH- EVS Projesi İlanı

İtalya/Dolo'da düzenlenecek olan 9 aylık AGH-EVS  projesi için katılımcı aranmaktadır.

Proje başlangıç: Eylül 2015
Proje bitiş: Mayıs-Haziran 2016

Başvurmak isteyen adayların mümkün olduğu kadar erken motivasyon mektubu ve CV'lerini göndermeleri gerekmektedir.
Başvuru adresi:  miriambaro@il-portico.it

Proje hakkında bilgi:
The volunteers will participate in the association’s activities, such as: free time animation for differently-able and socially excluded people, welcome and temporary hospitality of people in need, promotion of involvement of young people in volunteering and in the community initiatives such as active citizens.
The project aims to deal on the intercultural awareness of young people, stimulating dialogue and promoting a culture of solidarity, foster the involvement of the EVS volunteers in inclusive actions and help them to know better what means and how it works in the social field (whit differently- able and marginalized people). In particular, it will be organized informal meetings with some professionals who will describe their methods of work and their collaboration whit “IL PORTICO”.
The volunteers also will be involved in the promotion and awareness activities such as meetings in schools, in volunteering organizations/local associations and public events. In these occasions the volunteers will contribute to awaken the civil society (especially young people), inform about the European opportunities (in particular Erasmus + Program), stimulate the active participation in the community, promote the active citizenship and volunteering as forms to realize social inclusion, sense of belonging and personal growth. 

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