Litvanya'da düzenlenecek olan AGH projesi için detaylar aşağıdadır.
Hello, people! We are going to apply for new project and looking for 2 volunteers. We are – Open Youth centre in Telšiai, in Lithuania. We are looking for 2 people who would like to join our team in a loooooong term project – 12 month. It would start at 2016 07 01 and end 2017 06 30.
There are 2 positions – working in Open youth centre and working with mobile youth workers in the villages. Target group – young people 14-29 years old.
Is it you? Please, send us your cv and motivation letter on e-mail – till the 15th on January 2016.
More about us –
A bit more –
This project can change your life
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- AGH İçin Yabancı Dil Önemli mi?
29 Aralık 2015 Salı
27 Aralık 2015 Pazar
Avusturya'da 8 Adet AGH İlanı
Avusturya'da düzenlenecek olan 8 adet AGH projesi için katılımcı aranmaktadır.
Dear EVS Organisations, dear Friends and Partners,
We wish to inform you about new long-term EVS vacancies in Tirol, Austria for 2016-2017 (starting in September and October 2016).
The projects are in the following fields:
- Youth work,
- Work with children in care,
- Unemployed youth,
- Seniors’ residence,
- People with (multiple) disabilities,
- Youth information/media;
Please spread the call to your interested candidates.
All further details about the projects can be found here:
Candidates should send the specifically filled in APPLICATION FORM (for download online) and their CV to the correct e-mail address – deadline for applications: 11th January 2016.
18 Aralık 2015 Cuma
Polonya'da 14 Adet AGH Projesi İlanı 18 Aralık 2015
Polonya'da düzenlenecek olan projeler için gönüllüler aranmaktadır.
Proje başlangıç: Eylül-Ekim 2016
Proje Süresi:10-12 ay (2017 Haziran-Ekim)
Son başvuru tarihi:27 Aralık 2015
Proje başlangıç: Eylül-Ekim 2016
Proje Süresi:10-12 ay (2017 Haziran-Ekim)
Son başvuru tarihi:27 Aralık 2015
The Polish Robert Schuman Foundation is looking for volunteers, who would like to join our Erasmus+ EVS European Voluntary Service project in 2016. We cooperate with six receiving organizations:
Polish Robert Schuman Foundation in Warsaw (EI Reference Number: 2013-PL-191)
2 volunteers / 12 months (starting date: September 2016).
2 volunteers / 12 months (starting date: September 2016).
European Integration Club at the School Complex in Wojkowice (PIC number: 944108470)
2 volunteers / 10 months (starting date: October 2016)
2 volunteers / 10 months (starting date: October 2016)
Special Kindergarten No 245 for Visually Impaired Children in Warsaw (PIC number: 944042801)
2 volunteers / 10 months (starting date: September 2016)
2 volunteers / 10 months (starting date: September 2016)
Special Kindergarten No 213 in Warsaw (PIC number: 945041610)
3 volunteers / 10 months (starting date: September 2016)
3 volunteers / 10 months (starting date: September 2016)
Special Kindergarten No 393 in Warsaw (PIC number: 944083541)
3 volunteers/ 10 months (starting date: September 2016)
3 volunteers/ 10 months (starting date: September 2016)
The Society for Care over the Blind in Laski – near Warsaw (EI Reference Number: 2013-PL-196)
2 volunteers / 10 months (starting date: September 2016).
2 volunteers / 10 months (starting date: September 2016).
(To read more about the receiving organizations please click links above.)
We are looking for volunteers aged between 18 and 30 years, legally residing in one of the Program or Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU. We seek a balance of varied ages, genders and nationalities amongst our EVS volunteers.
We are not looking for experienced volunteers but those that would learn a lot during the service in a given receiving organization.
Apart from personal motivation of volunteers our requirement is volunteers’ strong will of learning Polish language after selection procedure successfully ends. We need selected volunteers to know a few crucial phrases and already have substantial vocabulary of Polish at the moment they start their EVS. Why is this important? Because they will work with disabled children and youth, which often does not speak English or any other language.
We will pay special attention to those candidates that are keen on getting involved in their new local community. Volunteers will share apartments with other volunteers (from 2 to 5 volunteers in one apartment) and we would like for volunteers sharing one apartment to organize at least one event in their local community (additional to their volunteering working schedule in receiving organizations).
Short descriptions of our vacancies can be read in the file Receiving Placements 2016 on our website. More details on receiving organizations themselves can be found in the EVS database: (use EI Reference Number or PIC number to find each RO).
We provide all Erasmus + Program requirements: accommodation, food allowance, pocket money, local transport.
We ask each candidate to send us filled out OUR APPLICATION FORM. Candidates can add other documents/personal presentations/ videos/photos/motivation letters to the application form, if they want but please know that applications without our form will not be taken into consideration.
Please send applications to: In title please write: APPLICATION 2016.
Please send applications to: In title please write: APPLICATION 2016.
Application DEADLINE for all candidates is 27 December 2015.
We will contact only candidates we find suitable, asking for further skype or telephone interview and contact their sending organizations (if they have them) by 15 January 2015.
5 Aralık 2015 Cumartesi
Fransa'da 2 Adet AGH Projesi İlanı 6 Aralık 2015
Fransa'da düzenlenecek olan AGH-EVS projeleri için katılımcılar aranmaktadır.
Son başvuru: 5 Ocak 2016
Proje başlangıç: Eylül 2016
Proje bitiş:Temmuz 2017
Proje 1
Proje 2
Projelere aşağıdaki belgeler ile başvuru yapmanız gerekmektedir:
Volunteer application form
support worker form SVE
Son başvuru: 5 Ocak 2016
Proje başlangıç: Eylül 2016
Proje bitiş:Temmuz 2017
Proje 1
Proje 2
Projelere aşağıdaki belgeler ile başvuru yapmanız gerekmektedir:
- CV
- Motivation letter with :
1 – motivation to go abroad, which step in your life?
2 – motivation for voluntary activity, which values in voluntary
3 – motivation for France
4 – motivation for our projects in partnership with “Unis Cité”organisation, as you understand well our project
5 – what you could bring to our project, your personnality…. (Motivation letter could be in french if you have some knowledges) - Volunteer application form (attached file) (document could be in french if you have some knowledges)
- Support worker form* (attached file, to be fill in by your mentor inyour sending organisation)
Volunteer application form
support worker form SVE
2 Aralık 2015 Çarşamba
Moldova'da 23 Adet AGH Projesi ilanı
Moldova'da düzenlenecek olan AGH EVS projeleri için detaylar aşağıdadır.
Son başvuru tarihi: 12 Aralık 2015
Başvuru adresi:
From May 2016 for 9-12 months or
From Sep 2016 for 9-12 months
Son başvuru tarihi: 12 Aralık 2015
Başvuru adresi:
3. Association of the parents with mental disabled children Planeta CaritatiiFrom May 2016 for 9-12 months
4. Association for the Protection of Homeless animals “ALGA”detay
From May 2016 for 9-12 months or
From Sep 2016 for 9-12 months
6. Centre for Assistance and Protection for Victims and Potential Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings (CAP)From May 2016 for 9-12 months
7. Centre of Active Recovery and Social Reintegration of the Children and Youth with Physical Disabilities
From June/July 2016 for 9-12 months and
From Sep/Oct 2016 for 9-12
From June/July 2016 for 9-12 months and
From Sep/Oct 2016 for 9-12
8. Charity Association New Life (knowledge of Russian is essential!)
From May 2016 for 9-12 months
From May 2016 for 9-12 months
From May 2016 for 9-12 months
12. Moldovan Institute for Human Rights (educational or working background in Human rights is essential!)
From June 2016 for 9-12 months
From June 2016 for 9-12 months
14. The Center for Social Rehabilitation of Children Casa Gavroche
From May/June 2016 for 9-12 months
From May/June 2016 for 9-12 months
15. International Center for Protection and Promotion of Women Rights La Strada (knowledge of Romanian is essential)
From May for 9-12 months
From May for 9-12 months
16. International Organization for Migration Mission to Moldova (EXPERIENCE IN THE FIELD IS ESSENTIAL)
From May 2016 for 9-12 months.
From May 2016 for 9-12 months.
17. International Centre for Professional Training and Development
From May 2016 for 9-12 months.
From May 2016 for 9-12 months.
ICTPD is an NGO with a misssion“To assist the development of the organizations, leaders and professionals with the help of the modern educational technologies and effective methods of training”. Our organization is involved in many kinds of educational programs. One of the main directions is professional development and social assistance to the unemployed and socially vulnerable population. We also work with youth and students to promote tolerance in our multiethnic and multicultural society. In addition we organize training in the field of business, management, psychology in Russian, Romanian and English.
Work plan for full-time volunteer for few months “July – October”
- Introduction to organization, staff, projects and activities
- Introduction to programs: “English for Communication”, “Business Planning and Experience Exchange”.
- Work meetings on course curriculum programs: “English for Communication”, “Business Planning and Experience Exchange”.
- Studying basics of Didactics and learning process. Vulunteer develops his or her own exercises that correspond to certain criteria.
- Meetings with volunteers that have taught these courses. Discussions, experience exchange.
- Understanding cultural differences and language interference. What difficulties may arise while teaching the course.
- Preparation to course start.
- Course advertisement and promotion
- Help and support of other activities of ICTPD depending on the need. (August is the month when staff members are on vacation)
- Topic to study and discuss: “Preparation to project writing”
- Preparation to course start.
- Topic to study and discuss: “Time management during the class. Effective techniques”.
- Topic to study and discuss: “What is included in the project plan”
- Organizational meeting and testing for future students
- Start of the program “English for Communication”
- Program “English for Communication” is running
- Midterm meeting and discussion on program and participants. Discussions, basing on the current situation and requirements.
- Topic to study and discuss: “Benchmarking as an important part of creating a project”
- Benchmarking for project idea
- Looking for potential funding sources
In all of the mentioned activities volunteer will be supporting staff members and supported by staff member in volunteer activities.
N.B. The work plan may be adjusted to the background knowledge and experience of the volunteer.
N.B. The work plan may be adjusted to the background knowledge and experience of the volunteer.
18. Social Association Health for Young People
From May/June 2016 for 9-12 months.
From May/June 2016 for 9-12 months.
The Centre Neovita was founded in 2002 by the Asociation “Health for Young People” with the help of UNICEF Moldova and the Teritorial Medical Asocation and the City hall of Chisinau and it one of the first Centre of its kind from Moldova.During its activity Neovita contributed at the development of the network of 38 Health Centres for Youth that are established on the whole teritory of Moldova. Neovita is the resource centre for all the networ k and the workers from the field.The Centre was created as an answer for the real necesities of the youth. Our beneficiaries are: teenagers, youth, couples, parents that will have children or have already, medical workers, teachers, any other organisations interested in health and development.The services are free of charge, they can receive a consultation from all the speciaist from the Centre, medical, psychological and social, it is very important for the Centre and beneficiaries that we keep the confidentiality.
Our Health Center has 3 general fields of activity:
- consultations at the specialists (gynecologist, psychologist, Dermatology, urologist, social assistant). In case if volunteers have interest or studies in these domains, they can assist in consulting, help the specialis at the informational meetings.
- methodical meetings – our Center is a Resource Center for other centres from the network, also we are evaluating and monitoring them. Volunteer will help in organizing of different cross-sectoral and collaborative sessions, informational meeting for the workers from different districts.
- educational-informative programm consists from 2 parts: local volunteers team and educational and informative activities with teenagers and youth people from different educational institutions and other social groups. With the local volunteers team the EVS volunteer will be involved in creating promotional activities, recruitment or interviewing of local volunteers; will assist at the training for volunteers and will organize different activities together with volunteers also the volunteer will help in organizing of different informative lessons.
20. The American Chamber of Commerce
From May/June 2016 for 9-12 months
21. The Association Center for Reabilitation and Social Integration of the Children with Mental Disabilities CULTUM
From May/June 2016 for 9-12 months
The American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova is a non-governmental non-profit organization, founded on September 4, 2006. As a member of the international network of 125 AmChams worldwide, AmCham Moldova connects businesses and business leaders to share the common goal of bringing the entrepreneurial spirit and the cultures of Moldova and the United States closer together. The Mission of AmCham Moldova is to promote American trade and investment in Moldova and to work with the Moldovan government and business leaders to foster a more favorable business climate in Moldova for foreign trade and investment.
Typical tasks will include, in main part, administration of AmCham communication tools, coordination of services to members, assisting Project Mangers within current running projects.
- Assure the efficient communication with AmCham membership by means of:
- Administration of AmCham’s website & Facebook page;
- Elaboration & distribution of AmCham Weekly Bulletin; Travel Guide;
- Administration of AmCham Job Center;
- Administration of AmCham E-Manager by maintaining and updating members data base and major mailing lists;
- Provide assistance in coordination of the following Programs: Member Discount Program;
- Provide assistance to Event’s Manager in organizing different business events;
- Actively participate in AmCham events, as well as other relevant events where AmCham is invited (meetings, conferences, seminars, workshops, etc), if delegated by the Executive Director;
21. The Association Center for Reabilitation and Social Integration of the Children with Mental Disabilities CULTUM
From May/June 2016 for 9-12 months
The Association Center for Reabilitation and Social Integration of the Children with Mental Disabilities CULTUM is a non-profit Association founded in 2001 and is a social services provider.
Our beneficiaries are people from 3 – 33 years with mental disabilities from Stauceni and Chisinau. Mostly of them are poor families, vulnerable families, young care levers people with disabilities etc.
The mission of the organisation is to improve and maintain the quality of the care services, education, recovery and integration in the society of the children with mental disabilities.
The Project includes several services as following:
- Individual and group education, speech therapist ocupations, different ocupational therapies such as cognitive therapy, ludotherapy, melotherapy ans medical care.
- Social integration activities: comunication, space orientation, personal autonomy of the people with disabilities.
- Consultation of the parents and family members, help them to create sistems of selfcare and coaching for the children with mental disabilities.
The volunteers will be involved in:
The volunteers will be involved in:
- Assist PR manager in organizing the PR events like public social campaigns, fundraising activities or to maintain facebook and web pages: copy documents, prepare materials, taking photos, elaborating summaries, etc.
- Participate with all the staff in organizing every week the sanitary day, when are cleaned all offices and spaces for children
- Offer language courses (only the candidates that can prove these capacity)
- Assists the staff in organizing and facilitation of day-to-day activities with children – available only for the candidates that can prove these capabilities;
- Paper work: translation of documents, elaboration of small reports and researches about profiles of beneficiaries.
After adaptation volunteer will be asked to help some beneficiaries to come to the center and after activities to go with them back home. The volunteer is expected to bring his/her creativity, project ideas, experience in, for example, arts and cultural expressions and/or sports and games to work and participate, support and lead different kind of projects that is developed at our centre. The volunteer will bring his/her experiences from another culture and the process of getting familiar with Moldovan society to the everyday work and life.
22. Family Type Placement Centre Small Group Homes
From June for 9-12 months and
From Sep for 9-12 months
From June for 9-12 months and
From Sep for 9-12 months
Family Type Placement Centre “Small Group Homes” aims to provide a temporary home to vulnerable children to those leaving large-scale residential units to family reunification or to be placed with Foster Carers. The placement lasts until the children’s reintegration with their biological or extended families. If this is not possible an alternative placement is identified. The main objective is to offer a temporary home to children who are to be reintegrated into their birth family or to be placed in a foster care family;
The centre provides a temporary family type facility for 20 children, who are assessed and placed here from institutions. The youngest age group is 3-12 years. One group is designed for children with disabilities. The categories of children – beneficiaries of the SGH- are very different and depend on complexity of their problems.
The centre provides a temporary family type facility for 20 children, who are assessed and placed here from institutions. The youngest age group is 3-12 years. One group is designed for children with disabilities. The categories of children – beneficiaries of the SGH- are very different and depend on complexity of their problems.
The SGH provides a family type environment where these children are helped to get ready for family life with either parents or foster cares. They are encouraged to participate in the day to day routine of the household, as well as in other activities. The Small Groups Home in Chisinau has been open since 1999 and represents the first alternative of this kind in the Republic of Moldova
The volunteers will work mainly with the age group 6-12. Their main tasks will consist in:
The volunteers will work mainly with the age group 6-12. Their main tasks will consist in:
- playing with the children, using his /her creativity and games he/she knows
- assisting the children with their daily needs and responsibilities – picking up children from the school
- read stories and songs in easy language
- organize painting and crafts workshops
- helping centre’s staff in cleaning, laundering and cooking for children
23. Ecovisio:
From May-June for 9-12 months
From May-June for 9-12 months
EcoViso focuses its work on youth empowerment and environmental education and action. Through such programs as ActivEco-Sustainability in Action, Social Entrepreneurship, Climate LaunchPad and Eco-village Moldova we help young people develop leadership, networking and project management skills to address environmental issues and bring social innovation to their communities.
Support EcoVisio staff and members in the following:
Support EcoVisio staff and members in the following:
- event management (organizing youth trainings, Eco-fairs, workshops, etc.)
- fundraising and grant-writing (help organize local fundraisers, research funding opportunities, help write project proposals)
- contributing to the development of a Resource Center for environmental education in Riscova that will focus on practical trainings and sharing sustainable practices in the areas of eco-construction, organic gardening, energy efficiency and more.
1 Aralık 2015 Salı
Finlandiya'da 9 Adet AGH Projesi İlanı
Finlandiya'da düzenlenecek olan AGH-EVS projeleri için detaylı bilgi için BURAYA tıklayanız.
Projelere başvuru için gerekli şartlar ve başvuru formu da başvuru ilanı sayfasındadır.
Son başvuru tarihi : 3 Ocak 2016
Projelere başvuru için gerekli şartlar ve başvuru formu da başvuru ilanı sayfasındadır.
Son başvuru tarihi : 3 Ocak 2016
27 Kasım 2015 Cuma
Malta'da AGH Projesi İlanı 27 kasım
Malta'da düzenlenecek olan AGH-EVS projesi için gönüllü aranmaktadır. Proje sadece AB vatandaşlarını katılımcı olarak kabul etmektedir.
Son başvuru tarihi: 3 Aralık 2015
Proje başlangıç: Şubat 2016
Proje bitiş: Ocak 2017
Proje hakkında detaylı bilgi için BURAYA tıklayın.
Son başvuru tarihi: 3 Aralık 2015
Proje başlangıç: Şubat 2016
Proje bitiş: Ocak 2017
Proje hakkında detaylı bilgi için BURAYA tıklayın.
25 Kasım 2015 Çarşamba
Almanya'da AGH Projesi İlanı 25 kasım
Almanya , Stuttgart'da düzenlenecek olan AGH EVS projesi için gönüllü aranmaktadır.
AGH projesi başlangıcı:1 Ekim 2016
proje bitişi: 30 Eylül 2017
Projeye son başvuru tarihi: 31 Aralık 2015
Başvuru adresi:
Proje hakkında detaylı bilgi için lütfen BURAYA tıklayın
(projeye başvuru formu proje bilgi sayfasının en altında 'Library' başlığının altında bulunuyor)
AGH projesi başlangıcı:1 Ekim 2016
proje bitişi: 30 Eylül 2017
Projeye son başvuru tarihi: 31 Aralık 2015
Başvuru adresi:
Proje hakkında detaylı bilgi için lütfen BURAYA tıklayın
(projeye başvuru formu proje bilgi sayfasının en altında 'Library' başlığının altında bulunuyor)
23 Kasım 2015 Pazartesi
İtalya'da AGH Projesi İlanı 23 Kasım
İtalya'da düzenlenecek olan AGH -EVS gençlik projesi için katılımcı aranmaktadır.
Proje başlangıç: Ekim 2016
Proje süresi:10 ay
Proje bitiş: Temmuz 2017
Son başvuru tarihi:3 ocak 2016
Proje hakkında bilgi için yandaki yazıya tıklayın: Proje bilgisi
Proje başlangıç: Ekim 2016
Proje süresi:10 ay
Proje bitiş: Temmuz 2017
Son başvuru tarihi:3 ocak 2016
Proje hakkında bilgi için yandaki yazıya tıklayın: Proje bilgisi
Ufficio Progetto Giovani is the Office of the Youth Policies Department – Municipality of Padua, which promotes services and realises initiatives in favour of the local youth.
Main activities:
- informative front office,
- cultural events organisation,
- users support,
- linguistic tandem learning with young Italians or mother tongue foreigners,
- participation to the implementation of mobility projects,
- testimonies about the voluntary service during meetings with student delegations in schools or universities.
Volunteer profile:
No specific qualifications are required, but considering the kind of activities the volunteers will be called to develop, we will positively value the following attitudes:
- predisposition to human interpersonal relationship;
- good motivation to the project themes and pro-activity;
- interest in the projects developed by the distinct areas of engagement;
- adaptation skills and capacity to manage the work schedule and tasks;
Even if it is not a discriminating criterion for the volunteers’ recruitment, basic linguistic skill in Italian can be advisable in order to facilitate the volunteers in establishing a relationship with the service users since the very beginning of the activities.
You can find more information having a look to the attached file and to this links:
organisation/42001204662_en (European database)
- http://www.progettogiovani.pd.
it/ (only Italian language)
How to apply:
Candidates can send an e-mail to: , writing in the object mail “ EVS 2016 +Name+Surname” and attaching their CV and a motivation letter in English (if Italian is spoken, both in English and Italian) by January 3th..
22 Kasım 2015 Pazar
Çek Cumhuriyeti'nde AGH Projesi İlanı 22 Kasım
Çek Cumhuriyeti'nde düzenlenecek olan AGH projesi için katılımcı aranmaktadır. Başvurmak isteyenlerin olabildiğince erken belirtilen mail adresine motivasyon mektubu ve CV'lerini göndermesi gerekmektedir.
Başlangıç:Ocak 2016
Bitiş:Ocak 2017
Kurumun web sayfası:
Başlangıç:Ocak 2016
Bitiş:Ocak 2017
Kurumun web sayfası:
The project takes place in leisure center for children and youth in Vysoke Myto. Myto is a small town in Easter Bohemia with 12 000 inhabitants.
EVS is a long term individual aktivity in open club for children and youth. Cappacity of the club is 25 children. The main topics of the project are education through Sports and Outdoor Activities and children.
We need creative active and comunicative person. Such person will feel at home here!!!
The volunteer will participate in our everyday life in Mikado and regular (art and sports) activities in our club for children and youth, they will lead their own workshops and projects. Volunteer can join most activities organized by Mikado e.g. workshops, discussions, activities for children and their parents or summer caps. They will visit local schools and inform children and students about life of people in their native countries.
We believe that this project strengthens mutual understanding among young people in various countries.
29 Ağustos 2015 Cumartesi
Slovakya'da Uzun Dönem AGH Projesi İlanı
Contact person: Peter Mihály
Coordinating organisation: OZ Fundament
Host: Fundament NGO:
Location: Rimavska Sobota, Slovakia
Deadline: 01/10/2015
Start: 15/01/2016
End: 15/01/2017
As most of the project activities taking place in the region of Rimavská Sobota, where a significant part of the local community in addition to the majority of the nation are also members of the Hungarian and Roma community. By activities we contribute to the priority of preserving cultural diversity. The city is in South Slovakia, 30km away from Hungarian border. The region struggling many years with the highest rate of unemployment in the country (over 30%), and faces with serious economic and social challenges. These bad social and economic conditions cause strong migration of young people. Our organisation decided to give local young people positive examples and opportunity to meet other young people from Europe.
Our organisation established a regional news portal in Hungarian language at 2012. Nowadays it becomes the primary source of information for local Hungarian and Roma community in their mother tongue. Our organisation continues in development of the portal by adding new features e.g. social exchange market of local goods and free classified ads. A large amount of incoming materials from the community and our authors (text, picture, video, and ad) justifies an involvement of more people into development and editing.
See more on and
1. We operate a regional community news portal , for it we need collect and process huge amount of information, data, text, pictures, manage them and upload to the website. The community portal is used by 10 000 users/month, it’s updated every day. Task of the volunteers is to organize the data received from our journalist working on the field and upload them to the database – we call this position: uploader. This work doesn’t need any special computer skills. Volunteers will work in pairs with local co-worker, who will help and supervise their work and help to bridge the language barrier. The uploader pairs are working on a 4 hour shifts, to cover the 8 hour working day from 9AM to 5PM. Volunteers may have a weekend shift, of course they get extra days off for this (e.g. volunteers is in shift at Sunday, he gets free Monday). We also give an opportunity for volunteers to work on field in pair with journalist or photographer and develop their own content e.g. reports, photos, videos about life of local community and/or Europen topics. We consider this as a great contribution, because foreign volunteers have another perspective and can give useful feedback for local people. The articles can be written in English, we ensure the translation. This activity can help volunteers to develop their writing, publishing and management skills and their creativity and sensitive approach to the local community. 2. Our organisation has a close relationship with local NGOs and schools - the volunteers will meet daily representatives of these institutions and work together with them in various projects e.g. meaningful free time-activities for local youths, spreading information about youth programmes and facilitating participation on them, organizing youth meeting, round tables for various topics (youth unemployment, drog abuse, environment, social and economic issues, extremism-deradicalisation, gender equality, tolerance). All the activities are based on principles of non-formal learning. The recognition of volunteers learning process is available a youth mentor/coach, who can help to volunteers in writing of learning diary (it can be paper-based or electronic e.g. blog) and a Youthpass.
Participants with lack of social capital, education, experience, financial sources and opportunity to work are warmly welcomed in our region. It doesn't matter if they don't have any working experience, we don't require any level of education, or strong family background. On the contrary, we want provide an opportunity for young people for whom EVS can be a great opportunity to break the negative spiral and acquire the self-confidence, what they need for future prosperity. Volunteers must be prepared for responsible work, because from their work is dependent other people’s work. Activities are especially interesting for those, who are interested in internet journalism, social media and marketing, anthropological fieldwork, photography and videography.
Please send your CVs and/or short motivational letter to address or After you will be contacted for a skype or hangouts video chat.
21 Ağustos 2015 Cuma
Polonya'da 10 Aylık AGH-EVS Projesi
Polonya'da düzenlenecek olan projeler için katılımcılar aranmaktadır.
Son başvuru tarihi: 31 Ağustos 2015
Proje başlangıç: Şubat 2016
Proje süresi: 10 ay
Proje başvurusu hakkında bilgi ve başvuru formu için BURAYA tıklayın.
Projeler hakkında bilgi:
Social Integration Centre
Life Farm
Gaudium et Spes
Son başvuru tarihi: 31 Ağustos 2015
Proje başlangıç: Şubat 2016
Proje süresi: 10 ay
Proje başvurusu hakkında bilgi ve başvuru formu için BURAYA tıklayın.
Projeler hakkında bilgi:
Social Integration Centre
Life Farm
Gaudium et Spes
13 Ağustos 2015 Perşembe
İtalya'da 6 Aylık AGH-EVS Projesi İlanı
2 Haziran 2015 Salı
Belçika'da AGH-EVS Projesi İlanı
16 Ocak 2016'da başlayacak ve 6 ay sürecek olan AGH projeleri için katılımcılar aranmaktadır.
Son başvuru tarihi: Eylül 2015
İki farklı proje için detaylı bilgi eklerdedir.
Temel düzeyde Fransızca kriteri bulunmaktadır.
Description of Hosting NGO
Son başvuru tarihi: Eylül 2015
İki farklı proje için detaylı bilgi eklerdedir.
Temel düzeyde Fransızca kriteri bulunmaktadır.
Description of Hosting NGO
10 Nisan 2015 Cuma
Portekiz'de Uzun Dönem AGH-EVS Projesi
Portekiz'de düzenlenecek olan AGH EVS projesi için katılımcı aranmaktadır.
Son başvuru: 14 Nisan 2015
Proje başlangıç:1 Eylül 2015
Proje bitiş: Eylül 2016
Başvuru formu için BURAYA tıklayınız.
Proje hakkında bilgi için BURAYA tıklayınız.
Son başvuru: 14 Nisan 2015
Proje başlangıç:1 Eylül 2015
Proje bitiş: Eylül 2016
Başvuru formu için BURAYA tıklayınız.
Proje hakkında bilgi için BURAYA tıklayınız.
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