29 Nisan 2016 Cuma

Almanya'da AGH EVS Projesi İlanı 30 Nisan

Almanya'da düzenlenecek olan AGH EVS projesi için gönüllü aranmaktadır. Son başvuru tarihi 1 Mayıs 2016'dır, çabuk olun.

projeyle ilgili tüm detaylar için BURAYA tıklayın.

18 Nisan 2016 Pazartesi

European Youth Camp 2016

Antalya- Olimpos'ta düzenlenecek olan European Yotuh Camp'ın bünyesinde çeşitli kurslar bulunmaktadır.

Kurs dönemleri ve içerikleri için BURAYA tıklayınız.

Estonya'da AGH PRojesi İlanı 18 Nisan

Estonya'da düzenlenecek olan AGH EVS projeleri için gönülüler aranmaktadır.

Projeler 9-12 ay arasında uzun dönemdir.

Başvuru formu, motivasyon mektubu ve CV nizi 1 Mayıs 2016'ya kadar göndermeniz gerekmektedir.

Details: KÄO centre for children offers services for children with severe mental and multiple disabilities. Volunteer will be assisting teachers during various activities and workshops done together with the children. Volunteer has the opportunity to offer her/his own activities for the children – 9 months, starting September 2016 until June 2017.
Preferred profile of the volunteer: Volunteer should be motivated to work with people with severe disabilities. It would be good if she/he has previous experiences in the field but it is not determining factor in the application process. Volunteer should have sense of self initiative and be proactive. Basic English is required.

Details: KÄO centre for adults offers services for people living with mental and multiple disabilities. Volunteer will be assisting teachers during various activities and workshops done together with the clients. Volunteer has the opportunity to offer her/his own activities for the clients – 9 months, starting September 2016 until June 2017.
Preferred profile of the volunteer: Volunteer should be motivated to work with people with severe disabilities. It would be good if she/he has previous experiences in the field but it is not determining factor in the application process. Volunteer should have sense of self initiative and be proactive. Basic English is required.

Details: TPIK is an umbrella organization for various organizations that work for or with people with disabilities. Volunteer will work in TPIK’s activity centre where she can participate in art class but also take part TPIK’s partner organization’s activities (workshops for blind people/people with mental disability, etc.). Another task is to help hosting various events held in TPIK (catering tasks) – 9 months, starting September 2016 until June 2017.
Preferred profile of the volunteer: Volunteer should be motivated to work with people with disabilities. There is room for the volunteer to start with her/his own workshops therefore any skill – photography, video making, arts crafts, etc – is an asset. Volunteer should have sense of self initiative and be proactive. Basic English is required.

Details: Kadaka school is offering lessons to youngsters in the age of 7 to 16. Volunteer will assist teacher who is working with children facing intellectual challenges – 9 months long service, starting September 2016 until June 2017.
Preferred profile of the volunteer: Volunteer is expected to be polite and caring. Previous experience in working with youth with intellectual or slight mental disabilities is an asset but not required. Basic English or Russian is needed.

Details: Muumipere kindergarten has over 250 children in the age of 2 – 6. Volunteer works with children who are from 4 to 6 years old. Volunteer will assist teacher in her daily activities with the children – 12 months long service, starting September 2016 until August 2017.
Preferred profile of the volunteer: Volunteer is expected to be polite and caring, they should understand that even if volunteer do not perceive her/himself as such, the children will see them as a role model. Volunteer should be social and ready to communicate with children even without knowing local language in this sense knowing English or Estonian is an asset but not necessarily needed.
Please also note that in order to apply, we ask all the applicants fill in the specific EstYES application form which is downloadable here and send it to evs@estyes.ee until the 10th of April 2016. Thorougly filled out application form is the most important. We do not require CV and motivation letter.

3 Nisan 2016 Pazar

İtalya'da AGH Projesi İlanı 3 Nisan 2016

İtalya'da düzenlenecek olan AGH EVS projeleri için gönüllüler aranmaktadır. 
Projeler Milano ve Sicilya'da yapılacaktır.

Projeler için son başvuru tarihi: 10 Nisan 2016
Proje başlangıç: Eylül 2016
bitiş:Eylül 2017


