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29 Ağustos 2015 Cumartesi
Slovakya'da Uzun Dönem AGH Projesi İlanı
Contact person: Peter Mihály
Coordinating organisation: OZ Fundament
Host: Fundament NGO: http://fundament.sk
Location: Rimavska Sobota, Slovakia
Deadline: 01/10/2015
Start: 15/01/2016
End: 15/01/2017
As most of the project activities taking place in the region of Rimavská Sobota, where a significant part of the local community in addition to the majority of the nation are also members of the Hungarian and Roma community. By activities we contribute to the priority of preserving cultural diversity. The city is in South Slovakia, 30km away from Hungarian border. The region struggling many years with the highest rate of unemployment in the country (over 30%), and faces with serious economic and social challenges. These bad social and economic conditions cause strong migration of young people. Our organisation decided to give local young people positive examples and opportunity to meet other young people from Europe.
Our organisation established a regional news portal in Hungarian language at 2012. Nowadays it becomes the primary source of information for local Hungarian and Roma community in their mother tongue. Our organisation continues in development of the portal by adding new features e.g. social exchange market of local goods and free classified ads. A large amount of incoming materials from the community and our authors (text, picture, video, and ad) justifies an involvement of more people into development and editing.
See more on www.fundament.sk and evs.fundament.sk
1. We operate a regional community news portal www.gomorilap.sk , for it we need collect and process huge amount of information, data, text, pictures, manage them and upload to the website. The community portal is used by 10 000 users/month, it’s updated every day. Task of the volunteers is to organize the data received from our journalist working on the field and upload them to the database – we call this position: uploader. This work doesn’t need any special computer skills. Volunteers will work in pairs with local co-worker, who will help and supervise their work and help to bridge the language barrier. The uploader pairs are working on a 4 hour shifts, to cover the 8 hour working day from 9AM to 5PM. Volunteers may have a weekend shift, of course they get extra days off for this (e.g. volunteers is in shift at Sunday, he gets free Monday). We also give an opportunity for volunteers to work on field in pair with journalist or photographer and develop their own content e.g. reports, photos, videos about life of local community and/or Europen topics. We consider this as a great contribution, because foreign volunteers have another perspective and can give useful feedback for local people. The articles can be written in English, we ensure the translation. This activity can help volunteers to develop their writing, publishing and management skills and their creativity and sensitive approach to the local community. 2. Our organisation has a close relationship with local NGOs and schools - the volunteers will meet daily representatives of these institutions and work together with them in various projects e.g. meaningful free time-activities for local youths, spreading information about youth programmes and facilitating participation on them, organizing youth meeting, round tables for various topics (youth unemployment, drog abuse, environment, social and economic issues, extremism-deradicalisation, gender equality, tolerance). All the activities are based on principles of non-formal learning. The recognition of volunteers learning process is available a youth mentor/coach, who can help to volunteers in writing of learning diary (it can be paper-based or electronic e.g. blog) and a Youthpass.
Participants with lack of social capital, education, experience, financial sources and opportunity to work are warmly welcomed in our region. It doesn't matter if they don't have any working experience, we don't require any level of education, or strong family background. On the contrary, we want provide an opportunity for young people for whom EVS can be a great opportunity to break the negative spiral and acquire the self-confidence, what they need for future prosperity. Volunteers must be prepared for responsible work, because from their work is dependent other people’s work. Activities are especially interesting for those, who are interested in internet journalism, social media and marketing, anthropological fieldwork, photography and videography.
Please send your CVs and/or short motivational letter to address mihaly.peter@hotmail.com or mihalypeter33@gmail.com. After you will be contacted for a skype or hangouts video chat.
21 Ağustos 2015 Cuma
Polonya'da 10 Aylık AGH-EVS Projesi
Polonya'da düzenlenecek olan projeler için katılımcılar aranmaktadır.
Son başvuru tarihi: 31 Ağustos 2015
Proje başlangıç: Şubat 2016
Proje süresi: 10 ay
Proje başvurusu hakkında bilgi ve başvuru formu için BURAYA tıklayın.
Projeler hakkında bilgi:
Social Integration Centre
Life Farm
Gaudium et Spes
Son başvuru tarihi: 31 Ağustos 2015
Proje başlangıç: Şubat 2016
Proje süresi: 10 ay
Proje başvurusu hakkında bilgi ve başvuru formu için BURAYA tıklayın.
Projeler hakkında bilgi:
Social Integration Centre
Life Farm
Gaudium et Spes
13 Ağustos 2015 Perşembe
İtalya'da 6 Aylık AGH-EVS Projesi İlanı
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