10 Nisan 2015 Cuma

Portekiz'de Uzun Dönem AGH-EVS Projesi

Portekiz'de düzenlenecek olan AGH EVS projesi için katılımcı aranmaktadır. 

Son başvuru: 14 Nisan 2015
Proje başlangıç:1 Eylül 2015
Proje bitiş: Eylül 2016
E-mail:  evs@ecos.pt
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7 Nisan 2015 Salı

Estonya'da AGH-EVS Projesi İlanı

Estonya'da düzenlenecek olan AGH projesi için katılımcı aranmaktadır.

Son başvuru tarihi: 12 Nisan 2015
Proje hakkında bilgi için BURAYA tıklayınız.
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2 Nisan 2015 Perşembe

Makedonya'da Uzn Dönem AGH-EVS Projesi

Makedonya'da düzenlenecek olan AGH-EVS projesi için katılımcılar aranmaktadır.

Project title: 5 PossABILITIES

E-mail: poraka.struga@gmail.com

Deadline for expressing the interest: 15 of April 2015

Activity period: 12 months (autumn 2015 – autumn 2016)

Host country: Republic of Macedonia

Hosting organization: Centre for improvement of the quality of life of the persons with intellectual disability and their families PORAKA NOVA, Struga, Macedonia

Open for: young people (18-30 years old) from Erasmus+ program countries

Budget: The host organization covers the costs for organizational, individuals (pocket money), linguistic, special needs support and exceptional costs. The travel costs are based on the travel distance per participant. Travel distances must be calculated using the distance calculator supported by the European Union. The additional expenses for travel costs must be covered by the volunteer.

Summary of the project:
The main goal of the project “5 PossABILITIES” is to raise the awareness about intellectual disabilities among youth, trough media and promotional activities.

The volunteers will work in a center (Day Care and Resource Center) for young people with intellectual disabilities located in Struga, Southwest Macedonia. They will contribute with non-professional assisting tasks to the running of the center, participating in the implementation of the activities explained below.

The project involves five volunteers from program countries, which service duration is 12 months. Three volunteers will be engaged in the Resource centre in activities like magazine and promotional activities, fundraising and project design, families support, youth activities and training and research activities. Two volunteers will be engaged in the Day Care centre where they will plan, implement and assist the daily activities and workshops, focused in reading and writing, crafts, cooking, sports, and outdoor activities.

Activity 1. (2 volunteers) – Day Care Center and Families support
Activity 2. (2 volunteers) – Magazine and promotional activities and Youth activities
Activity 3. (1 volunteer) – Fundraising and project design and Training and research

The volunteers will work from Monday to Friday 7 hours a day. They will live in a flat and will receive Macedonian lessons two times a week throughout their stay.
The volunteers will be motivated to develop one personal project during the stay, which will be related to the people with disabilities, but in accordance to their own ideas, creativity and initiative. For that project the volunteers will receive the support and resources they need.